mercredi 31 janvier 2007

Today PJBug (Paris JBoss User Group)

I was tonight present at PJBug in order to attend 2 presentations.
First one was about JBoss product roadmap made by Sacha Labourey, Jboss technical director. Nothing really new here, but always interresting to hear people who are inside...
The seconde (short as Sacha like to speak a lot :-) ) was a presentation about the use of JBoss in DHL France. As often came the time I asked : When you say you are using JBoss... what services do you mean ? .... and as often : Only the servlet part, no ejb at all (and probably no much more anyway - problably just jsp --> jdbc database readonly access, arghh..) !
- Why so many people bother installing and learning a full j2ee stack, as JBoss provide, when they just need Tomcat or Jetty ? It always amaze me (ok people doing it with Weblogic or Websphere amaze me 100 times more...).
More over, it really appears there are still very few application using the ejb container part (ok, I don't consider stateful session bean with no transaction beeing an ejb development...).
...Maybe I will take time to prepare a presentation about what we do at Finance active one day just to show a real JBOSS J2EE application with full J2EE stack exist and work !

mardi 9 janvier 2007

jira sert à créer des bug !

Nous avons installé aujourd'hui la dernière version de jira (3.7.1), notre outils de gestion d'anomalies/demandes... au redémarrage, grosse surprise, nous ne pouvons plus "créer des demandes", mais "créer des problèmes" !
Bref, les traductions en français sont devenues n'importe quoi. Visiblement ils ont voulu améliorer leurs traductions en passant par une boîte de sous-traitance... et cette dernière s'est contenté d'utiliser google translate :-)

Un résumé du désatre ici :

Les gars d'atlassian ont promis de faire très rapidement un retour arrière salvateur.

Une bonne leçon à retenir si vous avez à gérer un jour ce genre de problématique...